Friday, June 24, 2011

What was She Thinking?!!

When this  young lady took an oath to work for the City of
 Jacksonville I know she knew she was told some things were not to talked about to anyone.  So why would she go and show pictures of undercover officers and give out names as if she didn't know of the risk this could cause to themselves and the families of the officers that faces was compromised by this thoughtless young lady.  I think she should receive the maximum sentence allowed by law for what she has done and if any harm come to the officers in the days to come or there family members she should be charged for those crimes as well since she leaked out the privileged information.  What made her do it was she dating a know drug dealer or did she do it for the money?  Either way she made a very foolish mistake she will now have to pay for for a very long time. This story really made me sit up and think, we put people in very sensitive job duties not really knowing what they are capable of.  So what can we do to ensure the safety of the public and also the coworkers when we have people out there like this who will give privileged information for maybe a dollar.

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